Errro Dyld Library Not Loaded Rpath Libgfortran.3.dylib

Jul 19, 2016 This is not a problem with libgfortran.This is an issue with the rpath not being fixed yet. So potentially conda-build, but it really doesn't lie there either as conda-build hasn't had a chance to work its magic with installnametool. All groups and messages. Nov 22, 2017 Home » Swift » dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftstdlibcore.dylib dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftstdlibcore.dylib Posted by: admin November 22, 2017 Leave a comment. Also note that if you do not care for calling R from Java, you can remove the bit that configures RJAVAHOME from the goby wrapper script. This will get rid of the message you listed in the subject heading (it's machine dependent because it depends on which R packages you have installed on the machine where you run the script). May 10, 2017 fixed!dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/./libgfortran.3.dylib for install.packages('maps') for R 3.3.2 #5279 Closed Shuolongbj opened this issue May 10, 2017 4 comments.

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XCode error 'dyld: Library not loaded'

Yahair Sotomayor

8 CommentsSorted by Oldest First

Robin Di Capua

Hi there,
I'm getting this error when I launch an XCode project:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftAVFoundation.dylib
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/378AFFE1-40CF-4949-B02C-5C0E9C11DE98/
Reason: image not found
I noticed that there's other posts with the same question but no answer. I also added the library to the Embedded Binaries but it still crashes.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I'm using the latest XCode and latesd iOS versions.

Andreas Schacherbauer

Hi Robin,
Can you explain your project setup in more detail. Are you trying to build an application or another framework which includes the Wiktidue SDK. Is it written in ObjC or Swift? Which version of the Wikitude SDK are you using?
Can you maybe create a project which demonstrates the problem and send it to us?
Best regards

Robin Di Capua


ok I found the issue. Somehow my provisioning profiles were not downloaded from my enterprise account in XCode and that was crashing the app at launch.

Andreas Schacherbauer

Hi Robin,
THX for sharing you results. Maybe it helps someone else as well.
Have fun using the Wikitude SDK and don't hesitate to post new questions.
Best regards

Sal Scozzari

Hi all,
Just ran into this as well. I followed the instructions in a separate thread 'app crash after import framework'. I pulled in the latest native SDK, but somehow the 'embedded binaries contain swift code' got set back to No. Changing this to Yes fixed my problem.

Dyld Library Not Loaded /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib

Andreas Schacherbauer

Hi Sal,
Thx for your reply and solution!
Best regards

Naren Keshav

Error dyld library not loaded rpath libgfortran.3.dylib key

With the Unity wikitude sdk (8.0.0), I got the same problem on iOS.

in Xcode. I get it as soon as Unity loads onto my phone. I don't even get a splash screen.


Error Dyld Library Not Loaded Rpath Libgfortran.3.dylib 2017

However I had it solved by adding

WikitudeSDK.framework onto 'Embedded Binaries' under 'General' section.

Nicolas Gonot

Hello everybody,

I am the error with my cordova project (see capture)

When i remove wikitude plugin, i am not the problem. but if I add the plugin again, i have the problem

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/WikitudeSDK.framework/WikitudeSDK

Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/8E224A09-0650-4367-AAF2-C6F295B99604/

Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:

/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/8E224A09-0650-4367-AAF2-C6F295B99604/ code signing blocked mmap() of '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/8E224A09-0650-4367-AAF2-C6F295B99604/'

The '/var/container' directory does not exist on my MAC, is it normal ?

How could I clean this problem? it only appears when I launch the application on a device, not on the simulator...

Best regards

Error Dyld Library Not Loaded Rpath Libgfortran.3.dylib Tool

(140 KB)

Error Dyld Library Not Loaded Rpath Libgfortran.3.dylib Type

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