Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio

Just a last thing (which may seem odd): actually, before I updated the message was regarding the JDK version, and Android Studio could not even render the application look. After the message concerns more Java version (not JDK) and the application look is rendered, but it does not COMPILE the project. Install jdk 1.8 for android studio in windows 10/8.1/7 just in few step. I'm using Android Studio 3.0, in which the embedded JDK version is 8. To find the version in any later version though, go to SDKINSTALLROOT/jre/ and find THIRDPARTYREADME. THIRDPARTYREADME is in my system defined as a file and not a txt file. You can open it in Notepad, Notepad or any other text editor. The content is plain text.

Android 11 contains avariety of great ways you can extend your app. Android 11also includes behavior changes to improve battery life and security,and to enhance user privacy. Some of these behavior changesonly affect apps that target Android 11,while others affect all apps when they are running on an Android11 device, regardless of an app'stargetSDKVersion.

To develop with Android 11 APIs and test your app with theAndroid 11 behavior changes, follow the instructions on this pageto set up the Android 11 SDK in Android Studio and buildand run your app on Android 11.

Get the latest Android Studio Preview

The Android 11 SDK includes changes that are notcompatible with some older versions of Android Studio. So, for the bestdevelopment experience with the Android 11 SDK, werecommend that you install the latest preview version of Android Studio.

You can compile and test Android 11 apps using Android Studio3.3 and higher, but some users of the Android 11 SDK mayencounter Gradle sync failures and warnings about outdated dependencies.Remember, you can keep your existing version of Android Studio installed,because you caninstall multiple versions side by side.

Jdk 1.8 for android studio windows 10Jdk 1.8 for android studio download

Get the Android 11 SDK

After you install and open Android Studio, install theAndroid 11 SDK as follows:

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio
  1. Click Tools > SDK Manager.
  2. In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 11.
  3. In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 30(or higher).
  4. Click OK to begin install.
Resolved jdk 1.8 android studio

Update your build configuration

Changing your app's build configuration to target Android 11 gives your appaccess to the Android 11 APIs and lets you fully test your app's compatibilityas you prepare to add full support for Android11. To do this, open your module-levelbuild.gradle file and update the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion:

Note: If you're not ready yet to fully support Android 11, you can still performapp compatibility testing using a debuggable app, an Android 11 device, and thecompatibility framework, without changingeither your app's compileSdkVersion or targetSdkVersion.Jdk

To learn about the changes in Android 11 that might affect yourapp so you can begin testing for them, read the following pages:

To learn more about new APIs available in Android 11, readAndroid 11 features and APIs.

jdk 1.8 0_144 download (6)

I have a same problem for days. I found a solution which worked from me on Windows. (I also set environment variables, but don't know whether it's needed.)

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio 64-bit

Add these lines to build.gradle file:

Source: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=203850

I use Android Studio and recently got the error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. compileSdkVersion 'android-24' requires JDK 1.8 or later to compile.

But I have JDK 1.8 installed already:

:Users..>java -version
java version '1.8.0_91' Java(TM) SE Runtime
Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(build 25.91-b15, mixed mode)

How to fix it? Thanks

I installed latest jdk but it was using the older one until I did this:

Replace the old JDK path with your new jdk path.

Resolved Jdk 1.8 Android Studio

Works like a charm now :)