Equation Editor

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Equation Editor Online

This equation editor opens in a pop-up window when you click on the link below. You can enter math characters, symbols or expressions by clicking on the icons provided. A snippet of code appears below. Then edit the code, and type your numbers or variables in it, or some additional text.

Equation Editor Codecogs

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to use the Equation Editor tool, and to let you practice using it. You will be using this tool to enter answers that are numbers, expressions, or equations. Before we get started, there are a couple of important things to remember: 1. The tool is not a calculator—it will not perform calculations. This app is an equation editor for writing math equations, expressions, mathematical characters, and operations. You can also generate an image of a mathematical formula using the TeX language (pronounced 'tek' or 'tech'). This is useful for displaying complex formulas on your web page. TeX equation editor that creates graphical equations.

After you're done, you can save (download) the gif image to your computer or copy it to a document.

The code is Latex and is familiar to many of us who have used Latex before, but it is fairly intuitive. For example, when you want a fraction and you press the fraction button, you will see the code

Just type your numerator in place of a, and your denominator in place of b. Those can be expressions as well.

You can make fractions, exponents, subscripts, square roots and other roots, sums (sigma sign), products (pi sign), integrals and limits. A list of Greek characters is included. The symbol list is fairly basic and includes some basic operation and relation symbols, set theory symbols, and a few arrows.

You can also change the font and the font size and the background color.

Equation Editor Microsoft Word

See also

Free worksheets for linear equations - customize them as you like!

Free worksheets for simplifying expressions - for pre-algebra and algebra 1

Online equation calculator - solves equations and simplifies expressions.

Latex equation editor
This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Equation Editor Apk

Note: Office 2010 and 2007 offer built-in equationsupport; see Microsoft's explanations for Word2010 and Word2007.

In Office 2008 and 2004, Equation Editor is not always part of thetypical installation. To add Equation Editor, follow the appropriateinstructions below; you will need the installation CD or the files youdownloaded from IUware.

Office 2008 and 2004

Note: In Office for Mac, the Equation Editor istypically installed by default. To check to see if it is installed,see the following path location, replacing versionwith the version of Office you have installed:

If it is not installed already, to add Equation Editor:

  1. On the desktop, double-click the Microsoft Office 2008 orMicrosoft Office 2004 icon.

    Note: If you are installing a copy downloaded fromIUware, you should have a .dmg file on yourdesktop. Usually, Mac OS X will automatically mount thisfile. If it doesn't, double-click the .dmg file to mount itand start the install process.

  2. The setup window will offer one or two installation options,depending on which version of Office you are installing:
    • The first option is available in both Office 2008 and 2004. InOffice 2008, it is labeled Office Installer. In Office 2004,it is labeled Office Setup Assistant. Follow theinstructions below to use one of these tools.
    • The second option is available only in Office 2004, and is labeledOffice 2004. To install all Office 2004 applications andcomponents (such as the Equation Editor), drag and drop this icon intoyour Applications folder.

  3. Run the Office Setup Assistant or OfficeInstaller, following steps 1 through 4 in the installation.
  4. If you are prompted to select your installation location, eitherchoose the location of a current Office installation, or select thelocation you'd like to use for a new installation.
  5. In the box of customizable options, click the arrow next toOffice Tools and select Equation Editor.
  6. Click Install.

To use the Equation Editor in an Office application

  1. Open the desired Office application.
  2. Click Insert, and then Object.
  3. In the list of Object types, choose Microsoft Equation(this will open the Equation Editor).
  4. In the Equation Editor window, form your equation;when finished, click the red X in the upper right to closethe window.
  5. After a moment, the equation will appear in the application.