Bztronics Rife Software

Hypertronic Pro Recommended Software

15. 11. 24
posted by: Super User

Rife Player is a web based rife freqnecy generator. It was developed due to the limitations and lack of ease of use from other rife frequency generator software. It is similar to FreX or Spook2 rife frequency generator software programs, but is intended to be faster and easier to use. In the past, people have tried to use simple signal generating software to achieve results. The results were poor at best. In the new age of advanced computers and also electronics the new Rife Technology Software uses advanced DSP and to easily achieve the same results as Rife along with his team did with more primitive equipment.

The following method of integrating software with the Hypertronic Pro is recommended for Health Care Professionals only, as the frequency sets in the software are labelled by disease condition.

Connecting Rife Pro X2 from your computer to your Hypertronic Pro

We recommend the Rife Pro X2 software, which integrates Rife sound frequency sets between the headphone port on your computer and the input on the rear of the Hypertronic Pro labelled B in the picture to the right. A 3.5 mm male to male cable is provided with Hypertronic Pro for this purpose but the software must be purchased separately (see purchase options at the bottom of this page).

Using the Rife Pro software, you are effectively turning your computer into a Rife machine. Instead of delivering the Rife frequencies in the form of sound, the frequencies are fed directly into the Hypertronic Pro circuit, allowing you to make remedies or to create a targeted broadcast based on biological matter on the witness plate.

About the Rife Pro X2 Software

'Use Your Computer integrated with the Hypertronic Pro as a Powerful Rife Machine. Get Pain Relief and Features Not Available In ANY Other Rife Machines...'

Rife Pro X2 is the latest Rife Technology. It has a powerful Rife Frequency Generation system that lets you use your computer when coupled with the Hypertronic Pro as a Rife Machine.

It also has a built-in TBSW system for pain relief, insomnia, weight loss and more.

Rife Pro X2 is easy for anyone to use - no complicated scripts and programming required as with other Rife Machines. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks and you're up and running. There's no need for a bunch of clunky wires and electrodes either.

You'll see real results with Rife Pro X2, even when drugs and other methods have entirely failed. If you really want to get rid of something - you need to get to the 'source' of the problem. That's what Rife Pro X2 does. It gets directly to the source of the problems.

As you read this entire page, you'll discover why Rife Pro X2 is the only logical choice for anyone interested in Rife Technology.

Now, you can join the thousands of people who have discovered the power of Rife Frequencies. Affordable, powerful and easy to use - this is Rife Technology for the 21st Century.

Rife Pro X2 - Main Control Panel

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife is referred to as 'The Man Who Cured Cancer'. Dr. Rife found that certain frequencies destroyed cancer cells, viruses, parasites and bacteria. He did this with a frequency generating device that became known as a Rife Machine.

Using Rife Pro X2, you can now use your computer and the Hypertronic Pro to safely and effectively deliver powerful Rife Frequencies in the comfort of your own home.

Using the power of modern computers, Rife Pro X2 brings Rife's brilliant work in to your hands. Reports from doctors and people using Rife Pro X2, state that it is as good as or better than Rife's original Beam Ray Equipment.

How It Works

You've probably heard about or seen an opera singer shattering a wine glass by singing a note. The note the singer sustains, is the resonant frequency of the wine glass. This sustained sound wave (note) causes the glass to shatter.

Scientists like Tesla and Dr. Rife, have proven that everything that exists has a resonant frequency of it's own. For instance, the carcinoma cancer cell has a resonant frequency of 2128 Hz. When a cell is resonated at it's resonant frequency, the cell is destroyed. Parasites, viruses, bacteria and other organisms all have their own resonant frequencies. The frequencies that destroy these organisms are called Rife Frequencies. See the video below.

A regular Rife Machine comes with two handheld metal cylinders that you hold in each hand. With Rife Pro X2, you'll connect to Hypertronic Pro and then use either the hand held probe that comes with Hypertronic Pro to deliver frequencies, or you can use a targeted broadcast based on biological witness. You can even put the frequencies into a vibrational medicine remedy. Another alternative to using the software is to use the speakers from your computer, although this is considered far less effective. The authors of the software originally designed it around using through speakers, and they have previously said;

  • Special sound waves are optimized, highly effective and powerful with this technology.
  • Sound is 5 X more efficient in water as it is in air - we are made up primarily of water.
  • The body adjusts more readily to this efficient method of frequency delivery. Sound is natural - electricity not so much...
  • Heart Safe and Pet Safe!

Despite this, using with Hypertronic Pro is far more effective, especially when integrating with HARMONICS option on Hypertronic Pro which adds penetration frequencies, allowing healing frequencies to be delivered deep into the body rather than just to the surface area sa is the case with sound delivery by speaker.

Rife Pro X2 generates pure, stable frequencies. There is no frequency drift, as there is in other analog Rife Machines and old Beam Ray Machines. This is because of the advanced DSP used in the waveform generation.

Fast Presets

Rife Pro X2 has over 700 Fast Presets. A breeze for anyone to use, all of this power is just a couple of mouse clicks away.

Fast Presets in Rife Pro X2

Scroll above to see the Fast Presets in Rife Pro X2

There are presets for most of the problems you could ever run into in a lifetime. Also presets for pain relief, detox and newer diseases, parasites and viruses. There are actually several pain relief preset types.

Remember though, you are not limited to the Fast Presets. You can enter your own frequencies and save your modified information as your own presets.

The TBSW System

There are so many problems that go along with being sick with a disease, that it only makes sense to address those issues as well. Problems like pain, insomnia, rejuvenation and others need to be dealt with. That's what the TBSW System in Rife Pro X2 does.

TBSW stands for Trilateral Balanced Sine Wave. These special sound waves are similar to Binaural Beats, but are more complex and dedicated to health.

It's popularity came about, because of its ability to deliver consistent, effective solutions for pain relief and many other problems.

There are 15 Fast Presets in the TBSW system. Scroll below to see the presets.

The TBSW Presets have been crafted with TBSW frequencies for maximum effectiveness. The LED frequency display shows which frequencies we've chosen for each one.

TBSW is easy to use and has several relaxing background sounds to choose from. The waves are integrated with Hypertronic Pro, but stereo or headphones can also be used.

Click the problem, select a background sound and time, connect to Hypertronic Pro - Click Start Preset. That's all there is to it.

For Chiropractors, Doctors, Dentists and Physical Therapists, you can run one of the Pain Presets at the end of your session. TBSW will make your pain medications and Tense Units obsolete. It will also leave you with very happy patients. Don't get left behind on this powerful technology.

Rife Pro-X Benefits :

  • Over 700 Fast Presets - 2 mouse Clicks and you’re up and running.
  • Structure water and oils with Rife Frequencies so you can make homeopathic remedies for pain and more.
  • TBSW System for pain relief and other issues associated with the original health problem that you're fixing. You can't get that anywhere else.
  • Export Rife Frequencies to wave audio format so you can make CDs for yourself, your clients or patients.
  • Doesn't require a bunch of wires, electrodes or script programming like all of the other Rife Machines out there.
  • Frequency resolution of 0.0001 Hz (magnitudes more accurate than the most expensive Rife Machines available)
  • Run up to 20 Frequencies at the same time in Multi-Frequency mode, saving you time or you can also use Single Frequency Mode.
  • Built-in frequency converter allows you to use RF and thousands of Hulda Clark frequencies that aren't available in any other Rife Machine.
  • There are no expensive tubes to replace every few months.
  • Uses your computer's ANALOG audio outputs. No weird drivers to install or USB cables required.
  • You save a lot of money, because you already own the hardware - your computer.
  • Save and Load an unlimited number of your own presets for quick recall.

Anyone that's done their research on Rife Machines agrees - whether its the little plastic units they sell or a Rife Machine that costs thousands of dollars - they do not stand up to Rife Pro X2 in effectiveness, ease-of-use or features.

View the discussion thread.

Mogellons Disease Cure

Morgellons Disease is caused by the release of fibers in chemtrails. Chemtrails have certain additives that keep the fibers alive, such ad Barium, Aluminum, Arsenic and other toxic substances.

As of fall 2016, the only known relief for Morgellons Disease is by using a software program called Life Frequencies Professional. It emits specific audio frequencies that the living Morgellon fibers cannot tolerate. The software is based on Rife Technology.

So the real question is - why is the government spraying ALIEN lifeforms on humans to live inside of them and why are we letting them get away with it? Sound like a conspiracy theory? Well, it's not. It's a simple fact and it's happening worldwide, not just in the United States.


Get pain relief using your smartphone or Android tablet using the Pain Relief 2.0 App.

Morgellons Disease: The Truth and the Myth

The Mystery of Morgellons disease has been debated over and over again by medical professionals as well as lay persons who have dedicated their time to studying this cryptic and debilitating condition. Because of political and public pressure, Morgellons disease has gained significant recognition in the last 8 years and has lead to the formation of multiple support groups, independent research groups, as well as the Morgellons Research Foundation. This all began because of one woman's love for her child combined with the complete abandonment of the mainstream medical community's ability to provide any real medical diagnosis or treatment within their known paradigm.

In 2001 Mary Leitao, a biologist and former Medical lab technician of five years, found that her two-year-old son was developing sores under his lips. The child soon complained of bug-crawling sensations under his skin. Upon hearing this from her son she examined the wounds on his lips and took samples. She examined the tissue taken from her son under a rudimentary home microscope and found that there were red, blue, white and black fibers imbedded within the taken tissue samples. Being a concerned mother she proceeded to take her child to the doctor. This lead to multiple tests on the child and eight more doctors that failed to find any diagnosis within the known medical paradigm. Eventually, Leitao took her son to Dr. Fred Heldrich, a Johns Hopkins pediatrician with a reputation for 'solving mystery cases'. The end result was Heldrich's suggestion that 'Leitao would benefit from a psychiatric evaluation and support'.

Out of frustration and feeling completely abandoned by the mainstream medical society, Leitao began researching any known literature describing her son's symptoms. During her research she found the work of two men from the late 1600's, Sir Thomas Browne and Dr. Michel Ettmuller. Both men observed, wrote and illustrated what they described as hair-like structures protruding from wounds on the backs of patients combined with convulsions and coughing. They named this condition 'The Morgellons'. Though not a perfect match to what her son was suffering from, it was the closest thing she found in any known medical material. Using Morgellons as a temporary label for her son's condition, Leitao began to seek out others with like symptoms. She started a website called the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) in 2002 (Morgellons Research Foundation).

Bztronics rife software update

The object of the foundation is to give people suffering from this undiagnosible and strange condition an outlet to be heard and to find emotional and possibly medical support. Since then the MRF has registered over 14,000 households who suffer from symptoms like Leitao's son. The foundation has created such a public following and has put so much political pressure on government officials that the Center for Disease Control (CDC), with the help of Kaiser Permanente Northern California and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, has been forced to begin a formal investigation and comprehensive study of self-diagnosed Morgellons sufferers, the majority of which reside in California where the study is being focused.

Morgellons disease has a wide variety of symptoms that can eventually lead to the complete debilitation of the sufferer. The MRF has posted a case definition along with the major symptoms associated with Morgellons on their website. The list of symptoms provided by the MRF can be found here ( and are copied below.

1. 'Filaments' are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.

2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face...and curiously, legs below the knees.

3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as 'hive-like', or as 'pimple-like' with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or 'picking' excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies' skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.

4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and 'pressure' headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.

5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling's Law.

6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.

7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.

The biggest question of all about Morgellons is 'where does it come from'? As we move forward in today's society we are finding that the foods we eat and the air we breath are becoming more and more dangerous to our health and well-being. These factors are being looked at very seriously as contributing factors of Morgellons. Currently there are three main contributing theories that pose a spectrum of possibilities.

Bztronics Rife Software

The first theory is that Morgellons is caused by the exposure to GMO's (genetically modified organisms) within the food supply, through inhalation of GMO material and through actual bug bites from insects that have been modified through their interaction with GMO plant material. This theory is supported by that fact that the use of a genetically modified plant bacteria called Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used to infect and modify the DNA of plants with a pesticide in order to create stronger and more bug-resistant plant crops. In a study done in 2001 by Dr. Vitaly Citovsky from the State University of New York Stony Brook, it was found that when introduced to Human DNA, genetically modified material containing this bacterium successfully invaded, modified and corrupted human DNA. Though this was done under laboratory conditions Dr. Citovsky himself stated that 'it may be prudent to be careful or at least aware' and that ' presently, it appears that Agrobacterium is the only example of trans-kingdom DNA transfer'. Dr. Citovsky is currently working with the MRF on Morgellons research. morgellons disease

The second theory is that Morgellons symptoms are caused by the introduction of the controversial chemtrail programs that have appeared across the United States and the globe. These vaporous trails that are usually produced in a grid pattern by jet airplanes have had a lot of media coverage over the last few years, but have yet to be officially recognized by the United States government except for a bill proposed by representative Dennis Kucinich in 2001 (H.R. 2977) which was rejected and quickly rewritten by Kucinich's office as to have no mention of chemtrails at all. Though there have not been any 'official' studies done on the connection of chemtrails to Morgellons, there has been a significant contribution of material from the private scientific community. The current theory is that the chemical and biological components of the chemtrails are being inhaled by individuals in affected areas and are interacting with the body in two ways. First is that the inhalation of the chemtrail material compromises the person's immune system. By compromising the immune system the person is then open to infection by a bacterial, fungal, viral, or even nano-technological components that are in the chemtrail vapors being sprayed by these planes.

The third theory is that Morgellons is an infection of nanotechnology. Several independent studies on Morgellons fibers taken from patients have shown that the fibers consist of both inorganic and unidentifiable materials. One group of fibers was sent to a forensic scientist at the Tulsa Police Crime Lab in Oklahoma for analysis. After analyzing and cross-referencing the morgellons fiber with the FBI's national database, it was found that it did not match any known fiber within the database. Other studies claim that fibers can withstand temperatures of up to 1400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Morgellons Disease Symptoms: What Causes the Unknown Skin Disease?

Thousands of people experience symptoms and describe that they have been infected with Morgellons. However, until today there still has been no accurate explanation as to what really is the reason behind the cause of the mysterious disease, and how one gets afflicted. Scientists, doctors, and researchers continue to struggle with how to find out exact information about the disease. Unfortunately, morgellons is not registered a medical diagnosis by the health industry thus patients can be misdiagnosed with common skin infections like scabies, Lyme disease, liver or kidney disease involving orthe belief of the infestation by parasites (delusional parasitosis).

Rife Torrent

Morgellons disease was first identified by Sir Thomas Browne in 1674. Recently, in 2002 by Mary Leitao, describing a type of skin disorder that was later referred by the Centers for Disease Control as 'Unexplained dermopathy'. The name was coined to the disorder by Leitao after her son developed sores that no medical professionals she consulted was able to explain.

Because of the scarcity of data available about the disorder, for the most part medical experts commonly associate Morgellons disease to other skin disorders. Others are falsely categorized as to have been infected with Delusional Parasitosis.

Sufferers claim morgellons disease symptoms as affecting both the physical and mental process of a person. These symptoms can develop in both adults and children. However, with the slow progress in the study of the disease, patients continue to rely mostly on diagnosis and treatment provided by other individuals without the consent of the medical industry. Additionally, because of the rising awareness of morgellons disease, victims in 15 other countries have also emerged.

Individuals report common morgellons disease symptoms affecting their physical state and provided by independent researchers include :

  • Skin irritations that can cause severe itching
  • Development of multicolored fiber-like strands in and on the skin
  • Itching and burning sensation of the skin that often times leads an individual to develop the sensation of insects crawling under the skin
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Swelling of the joint
  • Vision change
  • Headaches
  • Sudden weight loss

Symptoms of the disease affecting a person's mental condition include :

  • Short-term memory loss
  • Loss of focus on things
  • Behavioral changes
  • Depression
  • Signs of neurological problems

Having trouble with some strange signs and symptoms? This could be the time that you may have to set an appointment with your doctor for to take a look at the skin irritations. What you thought is a common skin problem, could be a serious condition that until now is still beyond anyone's comprehension.