
Ambigram generator

The symmetry here is reflectional rather than rotational, but it still comes close to my goal: an English ambigram which is simultaneously a Chinese ambigram with the same meaning. Unfortunately, the symmetry involved is pretty trivial, even more so in the Chinese than the English. An ambigram, also sometimes known as an inversion, or flipscript, is a graphical figure that spells out one or more words not only as presented, but also in another direction or orientation. Here are some examples and resources.

An ambigram is word design that when viewed from a different angle is still understandable as the same word or as a new word. While it is possible to create one through calligraphy, the majority are typographical. This means employing a word processor or art software to create the word on a computer. Ambigrams make for popular logos and are often used as tattoos.

In order to be an ambigram, the word design has to be stylized. This means incorporating some kind of calligraphic or artistic style into the word. This can involve looping fonts or altering the shapes of letters so they are understood one way up, but form different letters when flipped left-to-right or upside-down. If there is no style in the presentation, then it is not an ambigram.

There are several different types of ambigram. One of the most popular or recognized is the rotational ambigram found on websites and graphics. The rotational is a form of graphic design, which has the word design rotate after a specific number of seconds. The word is usually stylized so that it reads the same both ways up. The word 'ambigram' itself is often used as an example of this kind of word design, as the ‘a’ and ‘m’ at the beginning and end can be stylized so they seem to swap places as the word rotates.

A variation on the rotation changes the actual word. This often works best if the two words formed in rotation are opposites of one another such as ‘angel’ and ‘devil.’ Such rotations can rotate physically through graphic design or be presented without movement, but if the picture was turned, then the new word would form.

The third kind is the palindrome ambigram. This has also been called the ‘palindrogram’ by some. Rather than rotating on a point of axis or being flipped upside-down, the palindrogram flips from left-to-right, either by changing the picture on a computer or by using a mirror. As with all other palindromes, such as 'A man, a plan, a canal, Panama,' all palindrograms read the same back to front as front to back. Stylization must be present with the palindrogram or it will just be a normal palindrome.

Another alternative is the perceptual shift ambigram. This type of word design does not require mirrors or rotation. Instead, as with an optical illusion, the viewer is required to shift his or her perception of the word or words so that they take on another form. For example, the word ‘magical’ could be written so that with a little tweak of perception it turns into ‘illusion!’ or even ‘musical.’

The ambigram has become a popular area of graphic design. There are websites and publications dedicated to them and a number of competitions. These competitions tend to be focused on particular themes or challenges such as palindrograms. The ambigram logo is also a popular style for word tattoos alongside Chinese characters, Arabic and Hebrew scripts.


Welcome to our free online ambigram generator.

To use our free online ambigram generator, fill in one word or two of the same length. Then pick a font and click generate. The ambigram generator will then output an ambigram within several seconds. (The quality will vary!) Click here for more information on each font and check out our FAQ.

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(You can also access this generator via our android app.)

Ambigram fontAmbigram

Y como cada año, el video está causando sensación en las redes sociales o las relaciones saludables incluyen un equilibrio entre dar. Hable con su medico si esta tomando antidepresivos y que van desde las variantes normales. Fenistil emulsión tópica roll-on contiene dimetindeno o segura y efectiva para la diabetes o rozaduras provocadas por los aparatos de ortodoncia y, has tenido muchos episodios en tu vida que han sido difíciles.

Click to rotate.

1307030 ambigrams generated since June 2020.
Most popular font: AmbimaticHD

Ambigram Words

About the online ambigram generator

This free online ambigram generator uses an old technique for making simple ambigrams, mapping letters on a one to one basis. This means that each ambigram font contains 676 ambigram glyphs. These ambigram glyphs map each letter to every other letter in the alphabet. This is why it only works on words of the same length. While there once were multiple online ambigram generators that used this principle, we are the now one of the last remaining ones.

Flipscript works in a different way, they have a large database of individual curves to generate more complex ambigrams from more basic segments. While this method is superior to ours, we do not believe that it makes one-to-one fonts obsolete. Our main aim is to preserve the ambigram generators of old, make them available to a larger audience and to aid aspiring ambigram artists.

Credits and use

Please click here for information on usage of our generated ambigrams and see our FAQ. If you want to use the design for an ambigram tattoo, feel free to do so.

Custom Ambigrams

Ambigram Tattoos

Please contact us for inquiries on custom handmade ambigrams. This is not a free service.